If a laser is focused light, then mindfulness is focused attention. Just as one focuses the lens on a camera for a clear picture, one can also focus the lens of one’s attention for clarity in life. As we become clear, confusion slips away, and our lives become happier and more successful. This is living in the zone of flow.
Confusion breeds anxiety, angst and mental illness. Clarity begets inner peace and tranquillity. Once we are clear, then we can see our way, our path and our destiny. We become clear about our purpose and our ‘why’ for being. This is the beginning of true personal victory and success. We know where we are going and why we are going there.
The continual bombardment of digital data, information, misinformation and now disinformation leaves us psychologically weary and confused. We no longer ‘know’ the truth. But the truth is always there within us, in the depths of our being. We merely need to learn to trust ourselves, to honour our inner knowing, to listen to our gut. To realign with our instincts.

What does your inner truth tell you? Not what is coming from that monitor. Not what is on the nightly news. Not what is the latest fad or fantasy. Not what is the collective unconscious. This is the world of the collective negative ego, of the false narrative being served up to us to keep us compliant and obedient.
You need to tend the fire of your own attention. You need to feed that inner fire of truth. We all have this inner ability to discern the true from the false. We all have our inner bullshit detector. We can all shine in our own truth, in our own brilliance.
This is true personal freedom – the freedom to be yourself, to honour yourself, to listen to your own inner truth. Not to be afraid of what others may think; not to be beholden to the latest narrative, the status quo. Not to bend to the yoke of woke.
The flame of attention must burn bright, burning away all the dross, all the impurity, all the distraction. The current pandemic of mental illness is merely the logical and inevitable consequence of digital overload, of too much psychic noise, of too much unnecessary information. Of too much falsehood.
We need to disconnect digitally to reconnect to reality. We need to empty the mind of all irrelevancies and focus clearly on what is essential. To be like those little children, running, jumping and yelling for joy. Just being happy, being boisterous, being now.

What is important in your life? What do you focus your attention upon? For what you focus on becomes your reality, becomes your consciousness, becomes your life. To change your life, change your focus. Hone the flame of attention. Work out what is essential for you and focus your laser on it.
To feed your inner fire, find your passion – your ikigai. To enter the zone of flow, turn within. TaoTuning is now available on Amazon and all good bookstores. It will gently guide you to these inner treasures enriching and ennobling your life.