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only in America - from sinner to saint in 3 seconds

Writer's picture: Adrian EmeryAdrian Emery

Updated: Sep 24, 2024

It is both interesting and fascinating to watch the canonisation of the Donald in this last month after his quasi-miraculous survival.

There are those such as Eric Trump, Donald’s son, who are openly calling it divine intervention. There are those who are saying the American flag, so flamboyantly billowing above the great man’s bloodied head, looked like an angel.  Even the Donald is declaring divine protection. God save America because surely it can no longer save itself!

Personally, I am not a big believer in divine intervention because humanity’s greatest gift is free will – the sovereign ability to determine our own destiny whether that be as an individual or as a nation state or as a species. God will certainly not intervene in our destiny for to do so would invalidate the most precious gift of free will.

However, I do believe in natural law and that that One Law pervades and rules the universe and the lives of men. You can call this law God, or fate, or destiny or whatever you like. But it is real, and it is omnipotent.

Moreover, each of us has the ability to attract that law by our belief and our behaviour. And by our sheer courage and strength of being. And it is certain that Donald Trump has now demonstrated that he does indeed have this moral character and personal power in bucket loads.

Welcome to the new American hero! From sinner to saint in 3 seconds!

Hollywood could not have scripted a better scene than the injured man, undefeated, standing erect and encouraging the cheering crowd to continue the fight with the incompetent but very serious looking secret agents scurrying around and the stars and stripes billowing in the background (whether being fluttered by the departing archangel or not).

Yet it is only 3 weeks ago, that this man was the greatest threat to American democracy; that this convicted felon (said with such bitterness and hatred by his opponent) was unfit for office. That this person who has been pilloried and blasphemed and targeted repeatedly by legal harassment. What was it - 94 separate charges brought by the Democratic machine? Is this really democracy at work or a totalitarian regime which targets its opponents with imprisonment? Is this America or Russia? Who would know?

Yet, the Universal Law (by which ever name you please) does indeed deliver divine justice. He who lives by the sword, dies by the sword. The once haughty and mighty Democratic Party now laid low by its own shenanigans, corruption, and internal infighting. Where to go? What to do next? What a conundrum! What rabbit will they pull out of the hat next? Covid perhaps or a global blackout or a triumphant VP transformation??

 “A bullet couldn't stop Trump. A virus just stopped Biden. The Democrats are coming apart. The Republicans are coming together.” Van Jones CNN

Pride does indeed come before a fall. This is the law of nature, and whether we like to admit it or not, humanity is a part of and thus beholden to these universal principles. God does not need to intervene precisely because natural law works perfectly. The once all-powerful trifecta of ruling elite, Deep State and Democratic Party is now in complete disarray with an aging, Covid infected, geriatric at its helm that can barely walk or talk, let alone lead being replaced by a lame-duck DEI that is interestingly going through the same canonisation process but this time by the establishment media. 


The one shot and wounded and standing tall. The other barely able to stand at all. The one defiant. The other defeated. Such is life in America. Please be vigilant and careful, for these are the days of prophecy! Humanity stands at the crossroads. Which way will we choose? Will democracy survive or be replaced by the corporatocracy?

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