Life begins anew in every moment. It is just we who are stuck in the past, holding us firmly within its grasp.
Time is a tool, an instrument of being incarnate in a physical body. Time is merely a perceptual apparatus of the 3D material world so we can live and exist on that plane. We need the solidity of space and the linearity of time in order to function lest things get pretty nebulous in the quantum world.
But time is no longer our trusted servant – it has become our nemesis and our master where we are all hurrying through life getting nowhere fast. The modern mantra is there is just not enough time. We have all become ‘time poor’ although there are still 24 hours in each and every day.
The mind thinks constantly dwelling on either the past or the future. One needs to master that wandering mind and hold its focus on the present. For the present is the eternal moment of Now. That moment is the doorway, the portal to eternity where there is no past and no future.
If you really look closely, deeply, you will find that all your problems, issues, anxieties and frustrations exist in either the past of regret and guilt or the future of fear and uncertainty. In that sweet spot of the present moment, one just is. If one focuses on the present and just gets on with life, life becomes easy and effortless.
The more one can focus and live in that glorious moment, the less one is disturbed and distracted by

fear, doubt and remorse. Moreover, one can only truly create from that moment of presence. One is!
In that point of the eternal now resides all the creative potential and power of the infinite universe. One must go there in order to create consciously; to be the conscious creator of one’s life, not the unconscious victim of one’s past.
What is = is! What is done is done. What will be will be what you create. If you would master your destiny, begin today with this new year, 2025. New Year’s Eve may be for celebration, but the new year is the opportunity to determine exactly what you want to achieve in this year ahead, not with empty resolutions but with concrete and firm decisions. Decisions determine destiny.
§ What would you determine for your year ahead?
§ What do you desire?
§ What would you like to achieve?
§ Who do you want to become?
§ Who would you like to be this time next year?
§ When you look back at 2025, will you be happy with what you have done?

Imagine a brilliant future. Have fun with it.
Focus | Desire | Clarify |
Visualise |
Accept | Be grateful | Let it go – let it come.
Happy 2025.